Turkey Day is officially over and the march to holiday season is on! No matter what religion to which you subscribe, gift giving is more than likely a part of the tradition. If you’re not religious, then you may be looking to score some items at a discounted rate by taking advantage of the Cyber Monday deals. In addition to The Burton Wire, a few of our folks have done some legwork for you to help you “Buy Black” this holiday season and in general. Some have even given tips on how to avoid supporting the businesses of people who are not friends to black and brown communities. We’ll give you all of the info we have to help you make informed decisions about how you will use your $1.2 trillion buying power on Cyber Monday and going forward.

EBONY Magazine’s #BuyBlack List

THE BURTON WIRE’s KWANZAA Gift Guide (an oldie, but goodie)

AFROBELLA’s 350+Â Independent Black Owned Businesses to Support
CENTRIC TV’s Starter’s Guide to Buying Black
To learn more about black buying power, check out David Love’s article for Atlanta Black Star or Janie Boschma’s article for The Atlantic.
Will you “Buy Black” this holiday season? Let us know on Twitter @TheBurtonWire.
This post was curated by Nsenga K. Burton, Ph.D., founder & editor-in-chief of the award-winning news blog The Burton Wire. Follow her on Twitter @Ntellectual.