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Caribbean 360 is reporting Jamaica is trying to cash in on the multi-billion-dollar health and wellness tourism sector that several Caribbean countries are turning to in order to boost visitor numbers. The country will focus on the emerging ‘cannabis-infused’ tourism and hospitality industry. Currently, tourists who are interested in CBD products can order online at sites like CBD Canada. CBD has been proven to have many healing properties so it’s no surprise that tourists want in on the action and explore what CBD has to offer. If you’re looking to read into CBD some more, you can read The CBD Insider reviews for more information on how the medicine is transforming many patients’ lives, here’s to hoping Jamaicans will be able to benefit the same. The author writes:
“Minister of Tourism Edmund Bartlett said Jamaica’s lush and rustic southwestern coast is ideally suited for the concept of ‘cannabis-infused tourism’ where products made from the herb would play a major part in the tourism sector. Health and wellness tourism has been identified as one of the key areas of focus under the ministry’s plan to grow visitor arrivals to five million annually, generating earnings of US$5 billion by 2021…
The Tourism Minister said Jamaica should not be a destination with only all-inclusive properties and mass tourism: ‘We believe that we can do product differentiation and we can do a level of product diversification which enables us to be attractive to all demographics.”
An element of that, Bartlett added, was ‘rustic luxury’ which combined nature with the benefit of a luxurious lifestyle, while enabling the utilization of “the nutraceutical values of the rich biodiversity of your neighbourhood.”
He said the global market for that kind of tourism stands at around US$494 billion and Jamaica wants a piece of it.”
Read more at Daily CBD.
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