Mucad Ibrahim, 3, is the youngest victim of the Mosque attacks that took place in New Zealand in March. According to Carol Kuruvilla of Huffington Post, Ibrahim was separated from his family during the attack at Christchurch’s Mosque al Noor. Mucad was one of 50 worshippers at the Noor and Linwood mosques killed in the massacre.
According to the article:
“Mucad loved to play on iPads, kick around a soccer ball and chat with older people, his family and friends told The Associated Press. He was intelligent and full of energy, his brother Abdi Ibrahim said, and always seemed to be laughing. Mucad was born in New Zealand to a Somali family that immigrated to the country 20 years ago, seeking to escape violence in their homeland. The family regularly attended traditional Friday prayers at Al Noor Mosque. Afterward, Abdi Ibrahim and his friends would go to nearby Hagley Park to play soccer. Mucad often tagged along to cheer for his brother and kick a soccer ball around on the sidelines.”
Mucad was separated from his father and brother during the melee. Rest in power little one.
Read more at Huffington Post.
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