Following actor Evan Ross’ hint, Rapper T.I. confirmed a sequel to the film ATL via Instagram. On Wednesday, he posted a photo alongside several of the film’s original characters with a caption that read, “#ATL2 Get Ready.”
Instagram practically buzzed as original characters such as Malika and Khadijah Haqq reposted the photo with similar captions.
Actress Lauren London confirmed her reappearance as “New-New” by posing with T.I. in a photo that read, “Shad&New-New #ATL2 #KeepWatching.”
Although ATL 2’s release date hasn’t been confirmed, the film’s director Chris Robinson stated it will be “Legendary,” according to his Instagram post.
ATL made its debut in 2006 as a box office hit grossing over $21 million according to Box Office Mojo.
This post was written by Briar Davis, staff writer for The Burton Wire. Follow her on Instagram @briarsinterlude.
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