Writing for Crain’s New York Business, Daniel Geiger examines the New York City approved proposal for developers to build a separate door entrance to identify residents who are part of the affordable housing program when living amongst wealthier residents of the same building. Known as “poor doors,” these separate entrances have come under fire by many including Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gale Brewer, the Manhattan borough president for being biased, unfair and segregationist.
Geiger raises an important issue that has been left out of the debate which is that the segmented residential buildings are built using incentives for creating affordable housing. This factor makes it even more disgusting that the developers then demarcate the affordable housing units with separate entrances.
Geiger reports:
“The Manhattan borough president took aim at so-called ‘rich door/poor door’ residential towers that allow developers to construct high-priced units while reaping a key zoning bonus in return for creating low-income apartments that are separated off and have fewer amenities, worse views and their own entrances.”
Developers claim that the “poor doors” are important incentives for residents paying market rate.
Let’s see — use working and lower middle-class residents to get full funding and then disrespect them afterwards. Classy.
Read more at Crains.
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