BBC News is reporting that two health officials from the United States have joined other experts at an Ebola conference in Cuba, in the latest sign of cooperation between the long-standing adversaries. The purpose of the meeting is to strategize on keeping Ebola from spreading throughout the Americas.
Despite the U.S. trade embargo on Cuba, the two nations have historically and quietly partnered with each other on health crises. The author reports:
“‘This [the Ebola crisis] is a global emergency and we all have to work together and cooperate,’ Nelson Arboleda, a regional official of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters before the meeting.
‘We’ll make every effort to ensure the quick diagnosis of patients to break the cycle of transmission,’ adding that the meeting in the Cuban capital, Havana, would also discuss planning for training medics.
Cuba is the biggest single provider of healthcare workers to the Ebola crisis in West Africa, more than the Red Cross or richer nations, the World Health Organization says.”
Read more at BBC News.
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