Home Africa Ugochi Nwaogwugwu: ‘Don’t Mind Them’

Ugochi Nwaogwugwu: ‘Don’t Mind Them’

Songstress and activist Ugochi's song 'Don't Mind Them' reminds us to remember who we are and where we want to go despite the actions of those who are against us. (Google Images)
Ugochi’s song ‘Don’t Mind Them’ reminds us to remember who we are and where we want to go despite the actions of those who are against us. (Google Images)

To say that this has been a crazy week is pretty much an understatement. With the U.S. Supreme Court gutting section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, sending affirmative action back to the state legislatures, the Trayvon Martin trial with key witness Rachel Jeantel being shredded online and offline for being her authentic self, the ongoing bus protests in Brazil and Mandela’s struggle for his life, this has been one heck of a week.

As luck would have it, a TBW reader (Will K. Crosby) posted a video on FaceBook which I thought I’d share with you — Ugochi Nwaogwugwu’s ‘Don’t Mind Them.’ Instead of posting more of the same – traumatic events impacting people of African descent worldwide, I decided to post something to uplift the black world community, which has been pummeled especially hard this week in the news.

Nwaogwugwu’s ‘Don’t Mind Them,’ reminds us to keep life in perspective and those who cause harm to others will surely reap what they sow. In the meantime, don’t mind them and carry on with life, being the person that you want to be and creating the world in which you want to live. Chin up Black people. It will get better. Happy Friday!

Peace and love,

Founder & Editor-in-Chief, The Burton Wire

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