News One is reporting that U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama visited First Lady of Tanzania Salma Kikwete, to remember the victims of the 1998 bombing of the Embassy in Dar es Salaam. The first ladies met briefly and then visited the Embassy Bombing Memorial where a moment of silence was held for those killed or injured in the blast.
News One’s Abena Agyeman-Fisher writes:
“On August 7, 1998, American embassies in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, Kenya, were bombed by trucks armed with 17 tons of explosive devices. Two-hundred and forty people were killed in the attacks while 4,000 were injured. Twelve of the dead were Americans.
In 2011, Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, who was allegedly responsible for the terrorist attacks and identified as the head of al-Shabaab, a Somali-based extension of al-Qaeda, was killed by Somali police.”
Following the ceremony, Baba wa Watoto, a youth dance troupe performed for the first ladies, after which Michelle Obama presented the ladies with flowers.
Read more at News One.
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