ABC‘s streaming service has launched the second season of ‘American Koko,’ the web series produced by Viola Davis and Julius Tennon. The series follows the character of Akosua Millard, played by show creator Diarra Kilpatrick, who solves racially tinged crimes through the E.A.R. (Everybody’s a Little Bit Racist) agency. Amanda N’Duka of Deadline interviewed Tennon about the series, whose second season debuted on Juneteenth.
Tennon stated:
“Race has always been a issue in our country. Now, in our current political climate, a show like American Koko, which is about helping people navigate sticky racial situation, creates a conversation around race in an insightful, funny, and interesting way. The conversation around race should be as open as they can be. It can create some situations for solutions on how people view race. It’s going to be a show that addresses a lot of things people don’t talk about, so they’ll learn something.”
Read N’Duka’s article in entirety on Deadline.
Watch American Koko on ABC Go.
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