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Caribbean 360 is reporting Bahamanian voters voted against a Constitutional amendment, which would have updated Article 26 and made it unconstitutional for Parliament to pass any laws that discriminate based on gender. Three other bills also failed to gain support including giving children born to a Bahamian mother and a non-Bahamian father the same citizenship rights as children born to a Bahamian father and a non-Bahamiam mother.
Prime Minister Perry Christie says yesterday’s referendum was disappointing for his administration, which ran an aggressive ‘Vote Yes’ campaign. The author writes:
‘I will never stop believing that our sons and daughters deserve equal rights in our Constitution and equal treatment under our laws. We believe that when the dust clears, there will be room and time for proper reflection. Although yesterday’s rejection of the gender equality bills is clearly a setback for the programme of constitutional reform, it is by no means an end to it,’ Prime Minister Perry said in a statement today.
Read more at Caribbean 360.