Promoting voting among minority groups. ( Photo credit: Google Images.)
Promoting voting among minority groups. ( Photo credit: Google Images.) is reporting that expected black voter turnout for the mid-term elections has the Democratic party on edge.

A weak mid-term election turnout could lead to a complete Republican take over in Congress. The author reports:

“There’s plenty of cause for concern. Voter turnout, in general, is lower for mid-terms than it is in presidential election years, but the trend is even more pronounced for minorities, who skew Democratic.”

This has caused Democrats and progressives to start a series of initiatives aimed at creating a greater voter turnout from minority populations.

The effort started Sept. 21 with “Freedom Sunday.” Freedom Sunday included 3,000 churches across the nation, who aimed to increase voter registration and education.


This post was written by Reginald Calhoun, editorial assistant for The Burton Wire. Follow him on Twitter @IRMarsean.

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