Legendary Blues guitarist and Chicago Blues pioneer George “Buddy” Guy was awarded for his lifetime achievement at the 2012 Kennedy Center Honors. Guy received the honor from President Barack Obama along with famed comedian and talk-show host David Letterman, iconic actor Dustin Hoffman, acclaimed ballerina Natalia Makarova and seminal rock group Led Zepplin.
Ashley Killough and Dan Merica of CNN report:
The festivities kicked off at a White House reception where Obama honored the award recipients and recounted highlights of their careers.” “Each of us can remember a moment when the people on this stage touched our lives. … Maybe they inspired us to see things in a new way, to hear things differently.” Obama said. “It is that unique power that makes the arts so important,” writes Killough and Merica.
Other celebrities and luminaries in attendance included actor Morgan Freeman, musician Lenny Kravitz and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Read more at CNN.com.
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