#BringBackOurGirls: Two Schoolgirls Abducted 8 Years Ago Found

The internet is buzzing with news that two of the 276 schoolgirls kidnapped from a Christian school by Boko Haram eight...

Alice Walker Talks ‘Gathering Blossoms’ with Pearl Cleage

Pulitzer Prize winning writer Alice Walker is on tour discussing her latest book, Gathering Blossoms Under Fire: The Journals of Alice...

WATCH: ‘The Queen of Basketball’ Documentary Short Wins Oscar

Executive produced by NBA superstar Steph Curry and NBA legend Shaquille O'Neal, The Queen of Basketball won the Best Documentary Short...

Black Women Civic Organizations Continue the Fight Against Heart Disease

The month of February is popularly known as Black History Month and the month we celebrate our romantic partners on Valentine’s...

Cheryl Hickmon: National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dies

The nation is mourning the passing of Cheryl Hickmon, national president of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, the nation's largest African-American...

bell hooks: Womanist, Activist and Intellectual Giant Dies at 69

Linda Blackford of the Lexington Herald-Ledger is reporting world renowned scholar, activist, womanist, professor and public intellectual bell hooks has died...

‘Twenty Pearls’ Doc: A Love Letter to Black Women

The nation’s first sorority for African-American college women has another first to celebrate. The documentary Twenty Pearls: The Story of Alpha...

Inauguration: Reflections of a Mother Watching Herstory

The 2021 presidential inauguration was historic in many ways, one of which the inauguration of Kamala Harris, the nation's first Black,...

Capitol Coup: Black Women Targeted by Racist Trump Mobs

The internet is ablaze with news stories about Wednesday's (1/6/21) failed coup attempt by President Trump and his loyalists to overturn...

Nsenga Burton, Ph.D. Appears on Dr. Phil to Discuss ‘Karen Phenomenon’

The Burton Wire's Nsenga Burton, Ph.D. appeared on the Dr. Phil Show to discuss the, "Karen Phenomenon." Karen is a term...

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