The Burton Wire‘s Nsenga Burton, Ph.D. appeared on the Dr. Phil Show to discuss the, “Karen Phenomenon.” Karen is a term used to describe a behavior, usually practiced by a white woman, perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary for the occasion. “Karens” sometimes physically attack workers of color, weaponize the police against people of color who challenge their perceived authority, launch into tirades against people when in the wrong, engage in toxic behavior including using their media platforms to malign people of color, and blame their nefarious behavior on others including white men, ostensibly playing the victim. Dr. Burton discusses the issue with Dr. Phil and adjunct professor of law and attorney Wendy Murphy, who believes it is a pejorative and sexist term and we should blame White men for the behavior instead of the White women actually engaging in the dubious behavior with negative consequences for people of color.
Check out an excerpt of the show below:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ML7XkXDkLM4[/embedyt]
This episode originally aired Wednesday, September 16, 2020. Check local listings for re-airing dates or On Demand to watch the entire episode.
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