Shantana Stewart of NewsOne.com is reporting that Ferguson school officials have welcomed back students following the internationally televised burial services for unarmed teen Michael Brown. Brown, 18 was shot and killed on August 9 by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Classes were cancelled due to civil unrest related to the suspicious circumstances surrounding Brown’s death.
Stewart reports:
“In spite of the recent unrest of the Ferguson community — with the burial of Michael Brown, the teen who was fatally shot in an incident involving Ferguson police, happening on Monday — Jana Shortt, director of communications and marketing for the Ferguson-Florissant School District (FFSD), said the district is prepared to receive its students.
Last week, the FFSD’s 2,000 employees participated in the Response, Intervention, Support and Education crisis training, so they would be better prepared to meet students’ emotional needs.
Besides the district’s normal staff of counselors, Great Circle therapists were also there on Day 1 to lend a helping hand.
‘Well, what we are hoping to provide here is a sense of normalcy, getting back to school is something students and staff are ready for,’ Shortt said. ‘There will be talks with children and conversation will be taking place in class. The district will be here to have those conversations.'”
Read more at NewsOne.com.
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