Celebrated actor Idris Elba has another achievement. A poem lamenting the sex symbol's role in making it difficult for 'regular' guys to date has gone viral.  (Photo Credit: Google Images)
Celebrated actor Idris Elba has another achievement. A poem lamenting the sex symbol’s role in making it difficult for ‘regular’ guys to date has gone viral.
(Photo Credit: Google Images)

Fraser McAlpine of the BBC is reporting that a poem entitled, “I’m Sorry I’m Not Idris Elba’ has spurred many Tweets making fun of the poem whose author is mired in insecurity over the fact that ladies love celebrated actor Idris Elba. The poet laments the challenges of being a ‘regular’ guy, attempting to date a woman who desires ‘Idris Elba’ more than him. Below find an excerpt of the poem, which of course has gone viral, posted by Twitter poet @Nova_isig, who has closed his account:

I’m just a regular man
With a regular 9-5
That does regular things
I’m sorry I’m not Idris Elba.
The man you know nothing about
The man you want me to be like
A sex symbol really
But you let the characters he play (sic)
And the pictures he take (sic)
Interfere with our relationship
I’m building companionship
But he’s your man crush
When I’m the one you should be crushing on

We’re not sure if it was the bad grammar or the pitiful tone of the poem, but the Twitterverse got a hold of this poem and sent it pretty much everywhere. Humorous responses to the poem were captured in a post on BBC America entitled, ‘Idris Elba Causes Global Man Panic.’ Check out a couple of funnies below:

Idris Elba Tweet 2

Idris Elba Tweet

Needless to say, the responses have also gone viral.

Check out more at BBC America.

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  1. Men feel just as put down and inadequate as women when a mate goes bonkers admiring someone else, even if it is from afar. To ladies and gentlemen–please salivate in private and show some respect.

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