The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is reporting that 32 people were arrested following uprisings by crowds protesting the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown. Brown was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, a small city outside St. Louis, on Saturday afternoon. His death prompted a series of protests and vigils, with some protests taking a violent turn on Sunday night as people looted in the Ferguson area.
The author writes:
“After protests and a vigil earlier in the day, some people broke into stores and looted them, setting fire to a QuikTrip and leaving glass and other debris strewn about.
Schellman said the looting and destruction stopped and the area had quieted a down about 3:30 a.m. Monday.
He said the police helicopter was shot at once or twice, but was not hit. He said the night was a scary situation for even veteran officers.
Jennings school district canceled the first day of school today, saying it was concerned for student safety in the wake of Sunday night’s violence.”
In other news, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has launched an investigation into the death of Michael Brown.
Mark Berman of the Washington Post writes:
‘“We have initiated a civil rights investigation,’ Cheryl Mimura, spokeswoman for the FBI in St. Louis, told The Washington Post on Monday morning.
This does not mean that the FBI is taking over the investigation, as was reported earlier in the day by the Associated Press. Rather, this is a separate investigation to see if there were any civil rights violations, Mimura said.”‘
The FBI will monitor the investigation into Brown’s killing by the St. Louis County Police Department.
Read more at the St. Louis Post-Dispatch or the Washington Post.
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