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Fresh from our ‘We Can’t Make This Stuff Up” file, The Daily Mail (UK) is reporting that ‘The View’ co-host Rosie Perez left the show before the end of her contract, after being forced to apologize to Kelly Osbourne for making racist remarks. The writer reports:
“Rosie refused to turn up for her two, final live shows last week and skipped several, pre-taped appearances after having an intense blow-up with ABC executives over Kelly’s on-air comment. Kelly, 30, caused outrage after asking: ‘If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?’ during a Hot Topics segment about Donald Trump’s poll numbers within the community last Tuesday. A silence fell over the studio audience as other co-hosts were clearly taken aback. After a pause, Rosie, who has Puerto Rican heritage, mumbled: ‘Oh, that’s not… oh, no!’ and shook her head in disbelief.”
After the segment, Osbourne left the set crying hysterically and producers cornered Rosie, forcing her to make an on-air apology to Kelly, for being “sensitive” about the comment. Really ABC?
Is this the same Kelly Osbourne whose co-stars on E‘s ‘Fashion Police’ made racist remarks about actress/singer Zendaya’s dreadlocks? Despite stating that she warned co-host Giuliana Rancic about the comments during the taping, Osbourne allowed it to happen anyway and then feigned anger afterwards, quitting the show, after the blow back from viewers. Now Osbourne makes a racist remark about Latinos and Rosie Perez has to apologize to her because she’s upset that she’ll be labeled a racist? What’s wrong with this picture? What in the hell is wrong with Kelly Osbourne?
Big ups to Rosie for giving ABC your Boricua ass to kiss.
Read more if you can stomach it at The Daily Mail UK.
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