Cameroonian Vice Prime Minister Amadou Ali in Kolofata. (Google Images)
Cameroonian Vice Prime Minister Amadou Ali in Kolofata. (Google Images)

Tansa Musa of Reuters Africa is reporting that Nigerian Boko Haram militants kidnapped the wife of Cameroon’s vice prime minister and killed at least three people on Sunday in a cross-border attack involving more than 200 assailants in the northern town of Kolofata, Cameroon.

Musa writes:

“A local religious leader, or lamido, named Seini Boukar Lamine, who is also the town’s mayor, and five members of his family were also kidnapped in a separate attack on his home…Boko Haram, an Islamist group which made international headlines with the abduction of 200 Nigerian schoolgirls in April, has stepped up cross-border attacks into Cameroon in recent weeks. Cameroon has deployed troops to its northern region, joining international efforts to combat the militants.

‘I can confirm that the home of Vice Prime Minister Amadou Ali in Kolofata came under a savage attack from Boko Haram militants,’ government spokesman Issa Tchiroma, who is also communications minister, told Reuters by telephone.

‘They unfortunately took away his wife. They also attacked the Lamido’s residence and he was also kidnapped,’ he said, adding that at least three people were killed in the attack.”

The Cameroonian army has reclaimed Kolofata from Boko Haram. This is Boko Haram’s third attack in Cameroon since Friday.

Read more at Reuters Africa.

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