Caribbean 360 is reporting that the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Response Management Agency (CDEMA) has urged Caribbean people to be prepared for a very active season. Hurricane season starts June 1 and officially ends November 30, 2013. The author writes:
Noted hurricane forecasters Dr William Gray and Philip Klotzbach of the Colorado State University have predicted an above-average season with 18 named storms, nine hurricanes and four major hurricanes likely to occur during the six-month period.
The United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is predicting between 13 to 20 named storms, six to 11 hurricanes, and three to six major hurricanes. It’s not just the Caribbean that can experience this type of weather. It might happen where you live, so it’s important to be ready when it happens. However, if you find that after the extreme weather has passed that it has caused damage to your home, more so to your roof, then you should think about getting in touch with a roofing contractor as soon as possible. If you live in the relevant area, you may want to contact Water Damage and Roofing of Austin for further information. But first, you may want to get in touch with your insurance company, for example somewhere similar to Insurance Quotes since you will need their help with any repairs you may need.
CDEMA executive director Ronald Jackson said these predictions are well above the season averages.
“The message is clear. The extent to which we could be impacted will depend on the level of investment we put into preparing for and preventing as best as possible the negative consequences of this hazard.