Chico Hamilton: Legendary Jazz Drummer Dies
The Grio is reporting that legendary jazz drummer Forestorn “Chico” Hamilton has died of natural causes. Charles J. Gans of the...
Akosua Report: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Burton Wire is proud to announce the addition of The Akosua Report: Facts on The African Diaspora, written by Akosua...
Akosua Report: Martin R. Delany
"Your masters who lived in opulence, kept you to hard work by some contemptible being called overseer-who chastised and beat you...
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Rosa Parks
by Nsenga K. Burton
Writing for the Huffington Post, Dr. Jeanne Theoharis, professor of Political Science at Brooklyn College of the City...
Trumpeter Roy Hargrove: “If You Take Care of the Music, It Will Take Care...
Roy Hargrove can effortlessly stretch jazz music’s boundaries at any given moment. Beginning with the release of his debut effort, Diamond...
Akosua Report: Arturo Alfonso Schomburg
by Akosua Lowery
Arturo Alfonso Schomburg
“History must restore what slavery took away from the Negro, his glorious past to act as stimulation...
Ethiopia: Africa's First Commodity Exchange Transformed Economy
In the Guardian, Lauren Everitt of All interviews Eleni Gabre-Madhin on how a market has empowered Ethiopian farmers by focusing...
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is A Short Walk to the Oscars
Based on an autobiography of the same name, Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom chronicles familial and historic events in the life...
How to Fast for Ramadan When You Medically Aren’t Supposed to Fast
Writing for Aquila Style Magazine, Fatimah Jackson-Best discusses the challenges of fasting during Ramadan when you can't fast due to health...
South Africa Bridge Collapses: Two Dead, 20 Injured
BREAKING: A temporary pedestrian bridge over a main route in South Africa has collapsed, killing at least two people and injuring...