Brazil: Sluggish 3rd Quarter Economic Growth Causes Concern

The New York Times' Simon Romero is reporting that Brazil's economic growth has been sluggish in the third quarter. Romero writes: "Brazil’s...

Heavy Flooding Causes Evacuations in Trinidad

Caribbean 360 is reporting that heavy rains caused flooding in Trinidad leading to evacuations of several families. The author writes: "The early...

Charles Orgbon III: Teen Environmentalist & Entrepreneur Pays It Forward

Many social activists and critics of the past believe young people of color in this generation have no motivation to create...

Hurricane Sandy Hits Bahamas; Heads to East Coast

  The New York Times and The Washington Post are reporting over 20 deaths in the Caribbean due to Hurricane Sandy. The storm hit early Friday...

Lupita Nyong’o Opposes VA Minor League Baseball Stadium

The Associated Press is reporting that "Twelve Years a Slave" actress Lupita Nyong'o is opposing the building of a minor league...

Akosua Report: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Burton Wire is proud to announce the addition of The Akosua Report: Facts on The African Diaspora, written by Akosua...

Integration of Wild Foods Into Diets Could Help Combat Malnutrition

0 has published a report from IRIN detailing the often unknown benefits of wild forest foods and fruits in combatting malnutrition...

U.S.: Blacks More Likely to Get Less Sleep

Studies on sleep have shown how important it is to get a good night's sleep. Those who sleep for a shorter...

State of the Union 2013: Barack the Magic Negro?

written by Devona Walker While President Obama was still giving his State of the Union address, Fox News’ website had already posted...

Hurricane Katrina: A Statistical Snapshot Eight Years Later

Mark Waller of (The Times-Picayune) is reporting on the impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans eight years after the...

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