Mixed-Race Miss France Gets Racist Threats on Social Media
The Voice (UK) is reporting that the 2014 Miss France Flora Coquerel, 19, has been receiving racist threats via social media...
Akosua Report: Joel Augustus Rogers
"Intellect, whether of civilized or uncivilized humanity, as you know, sir, is elastic in quality. That is, primitive man when transplanted...
Holiday Gifts That Give Back
Writing for The Root, TheBurtonWire.com's Editor-in-Chief Nsenga K. Burton, Ph.D. offers some examples of six groups that are working to make...
Kenyans Place First in World Cross Country Championships
BBC Sport and the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) are reporting that 19-year-old Kenyan Japhet Korir won the World Cross...
Black Filmmakers That Changed the Game
Writing for The Root, The Burton Wire's editor-in-chief Nsenga K. Burton highlights black filmmakers that changed the game for blacks in...
BRICS Summit Takes Place in South Africa
Ben Tavener of The Rio Times is reporting that Brazil, along with Russia, India, China, and South Africa, took place in...
Donyale Luna: The First Black Supermodel
Writing for New York Magazine, Keli Goff examines the history of black supermodels in the wake of the recent groundbreaking strides...
Mali Elections are Scheduled for July 28
AllAfrica.com is reporting that Mali has scheduled elections for July 28, 2013. Mali has been in a state of turmoil since...
Norm Lewis: Becomes First African-American to Play Phantom
Mary Godie of ABC News is reporting that Tony award-winner Norm Lewis, most recently known for playing the role of Edison...
Remembering Paul Robeson: The Emperor Jones
by Nsenga K. Burton, Ph.D.
If you're familiar with the term, "Renaissance Man," then the name Paul Robeson is not news to...