N'Djamena, the capital city of The Republic of Chad. (Photo: Google Images)
N’Djamena, the capital city of The Republic of Chad.
(Photo: Google Images)

David Blair of The Telegraph is reporting that Boko Haram is being blamed for the a suicide bombing that left at least 23 people dead in N’Djamena, the capital city of The Republic of Chad (Chad). Blair writes:

“Two bombers riding motorcycles blew themselves up outside the national police academy in N’Djamena; another two attacked the office of the police chief. The explosions killed passers-by as well as people inside the targeted buildings.

The government issued a statement blaming Boko Haram, the Nigerian Islamist movement, adding: ‘These lawless and faithless terrorists will be flushed out and neutralised wherever they are.’”

If Boko Haram was responsible, these would be the first suicide bombings organized by the movement in an African capital outside Nigeria.

Chad has deployed thousands of troops across the border in Nigeria to fight Boko Haram. The country’s 20,000-strong army, battle-hardened by years of civil war, has been the backbone of an offensive which has successfully broken the terrorist movement’s control of thousands of square miles of north-eastern Nigeria.”

President Idriss DĂ©by Itno has been focused on projecting an image of Chad as a regional power broker and valuable counterterrorism player. Chad’s support of Nigeria and previous success against Boko Haram has made them targets for retaliation.

Read more at The Telegraph.

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