Minister Louis Farrakhan calls for economic boycott during Christmas holidays. (Photo: Google Images)

Bill Hoffmaan of NewsMax is reporting that Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan is calling for African American communities to boycott  the upcoming Christmas season.

Farrakhan points out that African Americans have a combined wealth that is equal to the 10th largest economy on earth. Despite this fact, African Americans lack the ornamentation that would signify this wealth, and instead African American wealth is exploited by “white” businesses.

Farrakhan’s solution is to cease contributing financially to the economy, targeting “businesses that benefited from black dollars.”

The Nation of  Islam leader says, “let black be absent on black friday.”

Farrakhan made comments in an interview with TV One’s “News One Now”, saying:

So on Black Friday, we won’t be there. When they feel the pain of our withdrawal or our economic power from them, then we can talk about real change in America…Either [they are] going to treat us right or we’re going to withdraw our economic support … We intend to boycott Christmas, but not Jesus.”

Farrakhan adds that African Americans should make it a point to patronize black businesses.

Farrakhan’s proposed boycott will be launched on Oct. 16th, the 20th anniversary of his Million Man March in Washington, D.C.

Read more at NewsMax.

This post was written by Reginald Calhoun, editorial assistant for the Burton Wire. He is a senior Mass Media Arts major at Clark Atlanta University. Follow him on Twitter @IRMarsean.

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